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Revitalization of Hubs


For strategy and national security reasons, Brazilian Government decided to invest in their own satellites called Geostationary Satellites of Defense and Strategic Communications ( in portuguese SGDC - Satélite Geoestacionário de Defesa e Comunicações Estratégicas). The first one was launched in 2017 and had two main goals: improve the coverage of broadband Internet in the national territory and to be used by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) as a strategic way of communication for the activities of Armed Forces. For the military purpose, it was necessary to update the satellite communication Hubs, with antennas up to 11.1m to support the new satellite and expand them to serve all the new demands. Several international and national companies were consulted and MASTER was the only company qualified to accomplished this critical activity. MASTER developed the complete project to update the HUBs, supplied, installed and integrated all equipment and implemented a management system capable of monitoring and acting remotely on all components of the solution. MASTER's proposal also included 3 years of support, warranty and remote / on-site maintenance, providing security and robustness to the implemented solution.

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